Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Fortune Teller's Daughter

by Lila Shaara

About page 200 I cheated and snuck a peek at Amazon and the reviews. There were about five of them and not very flattering. Two said they did not like the book until page 200 when the plot began to develope and gel. One quite reading around pg. 200. Not the best reviews.

Not that I think people are snobs when they decide to tear a book apart. I am more likely to tear a movie apart rather than a book.

I like this book and read it in two days, spending most the day yesterday waiting for the phone to ring regarding the job search and then quietly finished it up this morning after getting a job offer that is laughable, but I will take it because frankly I need the money desperately.

I will continue to look for more "suitable" work, but this will have to do in the short run.

Back to the book. It was a lot of characters that I was able to keep track of. And I liked the tone and rythm of the story. I like the old lady offing the really bad guy at the end and I had a hard time trying to figure out who the floating corspe was in the sink hole. It did not suprise me when he was identified, but kind of saddened by the realization of the why.

And what happened to the old lady? I hope she was whisked away by aliens. I loved th fortune teller, though I wish she had not been drunk when she was offed, maybe thinking more clearly and on her toes (maybe a peep hole in the doors would have helped)...

I just liked it, it fit my mood. I was able to breeze through it and not have to wrestle with plot twists, it was all pretty black and white.

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