Thursday, December 30, 2010

750 Words Dec 30th

Another day another dollar. At least I made it to work on time, clocked in on the dot! I have a bunch of things to do today before leaving for the week-end, extended week-end. I don't know if we will get to go to Paul's because Joe has to work. A grain train or some such crap. If he doesn't go, then maybe I will but I doubt it. A reunion of 40 guys verses a small intimate party is going to be a different story.
Yesterday was a good day. I broke out my little pad and wrote "what wonderful things happened today" and was able to jot a few down. It's much easier when it is the day! Trying to reach back is difficult at the least. I believe that I played on the computer and found the Manifesto challenge with Sunday Scribbling and so I began to jot down a ton of things I would like to pursue or continue in 2011. I lifted another Dionis lip balm as Ihavve lost the other two. Good lord. I walked the Mall and said hi to everyone. I met some nice people at the Bucket and helped them purchase a musical box for $30. It is beautiful and I wish I had the gumption to buy the bears, but I'm certain they will be gone today. I bought the thrid sweater in that style that I love, the purple one this time. I think I may pick up a second black one. They re old women stuff, but nice. I am eating healthier and made a second batch of Squash soup which is the balm! I need to put a little ginger in the next batch and maybe some other eye opener taste. Curry? haha. But I felt so much better when I woke up this morning thinking, No candy and chips!
Manifesto.....I want to read more books, take more photo's, send more note cards and letters, make more telephone calls, tell people why I cherish them, go to AlAnon, pay off the IRS in record breaking time, start that Vintage Jewelry business, go to church, pray more, eat less, drink less, eat healthy, buy from the farm not the factory, join a CSA, be kinder to people, stop criticising people if only in my head, continue to learn with books on tape, buy Tony Robbins tapes on line, buy the Dale Caragie on line, sell my books, start a business on line (ESTY), volunteer at the senior sitizin home and conduct those interviews and write that book!, learn to work smarter ask myself How Can I Do THis Better, make more phone calls to friends, exercise more swim again and maybe take running seriously again, go to the doctor for my women things and get my teeth cleaned!, go on that cruise with Joe, be certain to give more to the needy and not judge, carry $5 with me to give away always when asked, visit more flea markets, buy local, save more money, write more and then write more again, go to the Farmers Market on a weekly basis, be kinder to people, watch less TV, get up earlier in the morning, make time to love Joe, smile more and mean it, help Bridget more in a way that will help her, make Alaynon a reality...
More to come as I think of them. As I grow older I realize how much I love and cherish my Mom. One day on the ride to Versailles I was listening to a Tony Robbins tape and wanted to tell her how blessed I was to have had her not only as a Mother but as a role model and that I missed living so close to her that I could come running over whenever she needed me, how much I missed that and wanted to be there. I think she heard me, because she is deaf on that side of her head and she changed the subject. She must have heard how it was coming from the heart because she mentioned Bridget and how she wanted so much for B to finish high school.
Speaking of B she called me again crying last night. I don't know how to help her. You know how you give advice and then they do not take it. I have mentioned that time and time again in this 750 word dump. They don't listen, maybe she enjoys her misery. Iknow it makes you feel much more alive. Funny how you go on and on taking everything for granted and suddenly you are faced with an earth shattering life changing experience and suddenly everything feels different more intensely and deeply. Well, she is fixated on this guy (who I would love to call a name but I will not!) and helping here is difficult. I offered to let her come down here and I would find her a place with Candi or someone from The Bucket. They are younger! But it would be a change.
We find out about Tupelo in a week or so. Looks good, but I am not going to count on it.

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